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Beitrag  Leader Sa Nov 24, 2007 11:39 am

Naruto Character: Uzumaki Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto

Home: Hidden Leaf, Fire Country
Age: 12
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 88LBS
Birthday: October 10th
Blood Type: B
First appearance-Manga: Volume 01, Chapter 001
First appearance-Anime: Episode 1

Uzumaki Naruto: Konoha's number one ninja at suprising people and also their number one loudest ninja. Naruto is headstrong, impetuous, and as near as I can tell suffers from selective ADD. To many an outward observer, and to many viewers as well, Naruto seems like a carefree idiot. However, Naruto's ability to think of unusual strategies has saved both him and his friends countless times. And Naruto is far from carefree; he trains for hours on end by himself to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming Hokage.
There's been no information about his parentage revealed and as far as I know, there's never been even a hint of Naruto having any living relatives. In fact, the only thing we know about Naruto's birth is that it happened at the same time the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon (kyubi no kitsune) was attacking Hidden Leaf Village. During the battle with the Nine Tails, the Fourth Hokage decided to sacrifice his life in order to seal the Nine Tail's soul inside the newborn Naruto. The Fourth Hokage had meant for the villagers to see Naruto as a hero, a living martyr serving as a prison for their enemy. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened.

Like people often do, the villagers needed a scapegoat to focus their blame and bile on to help cope with their losses. With the exception of the Third Hokage and his teacher Umino Iruka, the rest of the villiage reviled ostracized Naruto. After time the true nature of Naruto being a prison for the Nine Tails was forgotten and people even started to believe that Naruto was really the Nine Tails himself. For better or worse, the villagers were also forbidden to reveal any of that to Naruto, so he grew up confused and frustrated at the way the other villagers treated him. Isolated and mistreated, Naruto decided nothing would be gained by crying, and developed the loudmouthed prankster persona to cover up his insecurities and need for recognition.

All through Ninja Acedemy, Naruto goofed off and failed at graduation repeatedly because he wasn't able to do Bunshin no jutsu (Replication Technique) properly. It wasn't until he was tricked into stealing a scroll of forbidden techniques by a corrupt teacher that his life would change. While hiding in the trees, Naruto overheard his teacher Iruka defend Naruto, causing him to realize that there were people who recognized him and believed in him. After using the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) he learned from the scroll to defeat the corrupt teacher Mizuki, Iruka gives Naruto his forehead protector and congradulates him on passing. Once graduated, he's assigned to Team 7 with Sakura and Sasuke under the leadership of Hatake Kakashi. He quickly develops relationships with them, although they do seem to be pretty disfunctional at best.

Because of the Nine Tails imprisoned within him, Naruto has tremendous stamina and is able to draw upon the Nine Tails chakra, though unreliably and unconsciously at first. While training with Jiraiya, Naruto expresses that his chakra feels "blue", while the Nine Tail's is "red". This would seem to be accurate because Naruto's chakra is blue when it's visable, while the chakra he borrows from the Nine Tails is red. It's during that training with Jiraiya that Naruto first "confronts" the the Nine Tails inside him and explains that he wants to use the Nine Tail's Chakra. Even though it's pretty unpleasant, the Nine Tails agrees and has helped him whenever he's really needed it. That's not too suprising though since it's been hinted that if Naruto dies, the Nine Tails dies too. It might be a moot point though, as it seems that Naruto's and the Nine Tails' chakra is slowly merging. In addition to increased stamina and large chakra pools, the Nine Tails apparently grants Naruto and incrdibly fast healing ability, allowing him to heal from some wounds in mere minutes.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 16
Alter : 31
Ort : Oto-gakure
Anmeldedatum : 18.11.07


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